For your viewing pleasure, some photos of Patty, the creator, and fellow BRANDY wearers.

Amanda Jenkins, Miss Rodeo America 2006, with BRANDY, “I love BRANDY perfume and am thrilled to promote your product”

Amy Wilson, Miss Rodeo America 2008,
“BRANDY is elegant, and has a genuine and beautiful scent.”

Christine Goerke, Metropolitan Opera Star
“BRANDY is lovely. It’s just what I like to wear.”
Photo by Christian Steiner

Philip Douglas, Hairdresser to the Stars, “I am so excited about the BRANDY fragrance… what a chic perfume with a bright uplifting scent. To me it’s the perfect Accessory!”

Karen Turvey, “Finally a perfume for the world I live in. My secret training tool.”

Rasta Thomas, Dancer, Varna Gold Medal Winner,
“I find BRANDY delightful… the lotion ROCKS!”
Photo by Rose Eichenbaum. Choreography by Lar Lubovich.

Adrienne Canterna and Rasta Thomas in Rock the Ballet,
“We love BRANDY!”

Beverly Johnson, Supermodel,
“BRANDY reminds me of sweet outdoor memories.”
Deborah Gregory, Author of Catwalk,
“BRANDY suggests the smell of fresh cut grass, aromas of fresh fruit and cool breezes.”

Patty with GaWaNi Pony Boy, top horse trainer
“BRANDY is wonderfully natural and earthy.”

Patty with Nancy Kerrigan, Olympic Silver Medalist

Patty with Oksana Baiul, Olympic Champion
“BRANDY is sensational!”

Patty with Timothy Goebel, Olympic Bronze and World Silver Medalist

Sarah Lenore, Country Western Recording Sensation
“BRANDY… is so refreshing, and I love to wear it while performing.”

Patty with famous race horse, Cigar, who enjoys sniffing BRANDY

Barry Lewis, PBS TV Star and Architectural Historian, “BRANDY makes me feel like I’m sitting in a luxurious overstuffed armchair, set in a field of wild flowers.”